MCMF Workers Training
(Increasing our Reach and Influence)
“As a society, we need to talk to the young people about morals!”, “Where are the role-models for our children?”, “Parents no longer take their responsibilities seriously!”, “What is happening to our society, look at all the teenage pregnancies!”
Are you tired of listening to statements like these above? Do you believe that you have the ability to influence a preteen or a teen within your circles? Are you ready to act?
The Lay workers’ training targets everybody who has interest or is already engaged in working with teens and preteens in his/her community. If you wish to further enhance your capacity to engage these groups, then this training is meant for you. This training does not require you to have any prior professional or education background working with preteens and teens.
You can be an untrained teacher, a Sunday or Sabbath school teacher, a sporting coach, a volunteer in an institution working with teens and pre-teens, a social worker, a student in university, a school alumni group, a founder of a community based group……we want you to acquire the information, skills and tools to enhance your engagement with these groups.
We have put together a professional team that will train and equip you do the following:
- To enhance your skills to train teens and pre-teens on life-skills, sexual and reproductive health, Drug and Alcohol use, nutrition, internet use and emerging issues.
- Our Trainer of Trainers model will give you tools to effectively engage children using play, theatre, song, dance and art.
- The training will also enable you design simple social behavior change strategies for engaging your community and to spearhead conversations on issues affecting pre-teens and teens.
More Programs
MCMF Ushauri Clubs
This is a mentorship initiative which supports parents interested and motivated to walk with their children through the pre-teen and teen years. We facilitate structured conversions on topics pertinent to the teen and pre-teen growth and development. Our curriculum meets international standards.
MCMF Parenting Masterclass
Facilitated by a combined team of psychologists, educators and a behavior change expert, enroll for this 14 hours master class and harnessing on the skills you already have as a parent and get support for your journey towards becoming an informed, skilled and confident parent for your preteen and teen
MCMF Holiday Fun Timetable
The project aims to structure your child's holiday and non-school time into fun filled and yet meaningful schedule.This project is designed for children 5 years and 12 years. You can count on us to keep your child engaged in a safe, fun and meaningful online time that is transparent and accountable as we welcome parents to record and monitor the activities we shall have.